Amor y guerra en la tragedia de Sófocles

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Amor y guerra en la tragedia de Sófocles

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Morenilla Talens, Carmen
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2017

Love, not in its form of erotico ‑sexual impulse, but as an engine to achieve different objectives, and violence, not in its organized form, as war, have a significant role in the Greek tragedy. In the Sophocles'Electra, in which violence and love play a leading role, violence, which appears as necessary, as a result of a violent action which in turn engenders a violent reaction, is favored by a new affirmation of the supremacy of the father on the mother and of the character exclusively patrilineal of the affiliation in the frame of a process of balance of the characters left by the tradition.
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