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Romero-Wenz, Lukas
Ballesteros Llompart, Jesús (dir.); Bellver Capella, Vicente (dir.) Departament de Filosofia del Dret Moral i Politic |
Aquest document és un/a tesi, creat/da en: 2021 | |
A good part of the crisis of Postmodernity is given by the image of the world that it inherits from Modernity. In the latter, a rationalist thought prevails, tending to focus exclusively on the measurable and calculable, which ends in a disjunctive thought, which separates, asking all analysis for the clarity and distinction typical of mathematical sciences. Postmodernity, fed up with the sterility of this model of thought, rejects it, embracing an anti-rational and deconstructivist discourse: everything is a story, thought and language cannot reach whatever reality is. In today's society this postmodern vision proliferates, along with fragments of the previous modern vision: scientism, which declares knowable only what has been achieved by the scientific method; rationalism, which does the same with what has been achieved by pure reason... In any case, all these approaches reveal thems...
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A good part of the crisis of Postmodernity is given by the image of the world that it inherits from Modernity. In the latter, a rationalist thought prevails, tending to focus exclusively on the measurable and calculable, which ends in a disjunctive thought, which separates, asking all analysis for the clarity and distinction typical of mathematical sciences. Postmodernity, fed up with the sterility of this model of thought, rejects it, embracing an anti-rational and deconstructivist discourse: everything is a story, thought and language cannot reach whatever reality is. In today's society this postmodern vision proliferates, along with fragments of the previous modern vision: scientism, which declares knowable only what has been achieved by the scientific method; rationalism, which does the same with what has been achieved by pure reason... In any case, all these approaches reveal themselves to be enormously radical: they take a partial explanation (the goodness of science, or of reason...) and try to explain with it all aspects of reality.
Faced with this disjunctive and reductionist thinking, the paradox (understood in a rhetorical and non-mathematical sense) is capable of bringing together different elements in the discourse that have no place together in a rationalist discourse. In the paradoxical and copulative discourse, this elements show the necessary openness to the different edges of reality, and the different methods with which it can be analyzed.
This is what is analyzed in the disertation, focusing on the writer G.K. Chesterton: the use of paradox as a suggestive and copulative discourse, capable of overcoming the narrow epistemologies that characterize Modernity, and the cancellation of the epistemology at all that's tipically postmodern. It is shown how the paradoxical discourse emerges and supports the reflections of the author in several of the areas of thought in which he focused, to result in a rich and open discourse.
The thesis consists of nine chapters, the first three being devoted to introductory questions: 1) a biographical review of the author; 2) a definition of the paradox, its scope and its types; 3) a characterization of Modernity and postmodernity based on the philosophy of Jesús Ballesteros. A second block follows, in which 5) the paradox as a philosophical tool in Chesterton and 6) the paradox as a style, are analyzed. The third block analyzes parts of the author's speech: 6) the paradoxes of the madman (questions of epistemology are seen); 7) the paradoxes of gratitude (where he talks about being open to reality); 8) political paradoxes; 9) the paradoxes in relation to the Catholic Christian faith, which the author professed and in which he defended was realized the correct relationship of the human being with the reality that surrounded him.Una buena parte de la crisis de la Postmodernidad vienen dada por la imagen del mundo que hereda de la Modernidad. En esta última se prima un pensamiento racionalista, tendente a fijarse exclusivamente en lo medible y calculable, que acaba en un pensamiento disyuntivo, que separa, pidiéndole a todo análisis la claridad y la distinción propias de las ciencias matemáticas. La postmodernidad, hastiada de la esterilidad de este modelo de pensamiento, lo rechaza por el discurso antirracional y deconstructivista: todo es relato, el pensamiento y el lenguaje no pueden alcanzar la realidad, sea esta lo que sea. En la sociedad actual prolifera esta visión postmoderna, junto con retazos de la anterior visión moderna: el cientificismo, que declara cognoscible sólo lo alcanzado por el método científico; el racionalismo, que hace lo propio con lo alcanzado por la pura razón... En todo caso, todos estos enfoques se revelan como de una enorme radicalidad: cogen una explicación parcial (la bondad de la ciencia, o de la razón, o la importancia del relato) y tratan de explicar con ella todos los aspectos de lo real.
Frente a este pensamiento disyuntivo y reduccionista, la paradoja (entendida en un sentido retórico y no matemático) se muestra capaz de juntar en el discurso elementos dispares que, si bien en un discurso reduccionista no tienen cabida juntos, en el discurso paradójico y copulativo demuestran la necesaria apertura a las diferentes aristas de la realidad, y los distintos métodos con que ella puede ser analizada.
Esto es lo que se analiza en la tesis en el escritor G.K. Chesterton: el uso de la paradoja como discurso sugerente y copulativo, capaz de superar las epistemologías estrechas que caracterizan la Modernidad, y la cancelación de la epistemología propia de la postmodernidad. Se muestra como el discurso paradójico aflora y sustenta las reflexiones del autor en varias de las áreas de pensamiento en que él se centrara, para dar como resultado un discurso rico y abierto.
La tesis se compone de nueve capítulos, siendo los tres primeros dedicados a cuestiones introductorias: 1) una reseña biográfica del autor; 2) una definición de la paradoja, su alcance y sus tipos; 3) una caracterización de la Modernidad y la postmodernidad en base a la filosofía de Jesús Ballesteros. Sigue un segundo bloque, en que se analiza 5) la paradoja como herramienta filosófica en Chesterton y 6) la paradoja como estilo. El tercer bloque analiza partes del discurso del autor: 6) las paradojas del loco (se ven cuestiones de epistemología); 7) las paradojas del agradecimiento (donde habla de la apertura a la realidad); 8) las paradojas políticas; 9) las paradojas en relación a la fe cristiana católica, que el autor profesó y en la que defendió ver realizada la correcta relación del ser humno con la realidad que le rodeaba.
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