A Further Approach in Omnichannel LSQ, Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty

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A Further Approach in Omnichannel LSQ, Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Cotarelo, M. Calderón, H. Fayos Gardó, Teresa 2021-11-10T12:11:57Z 2021-11-10T12:11:57Z 2021
dc.identifier.citation Cotarelo, M. Calderón, H. Fayos, T. 2021 A Further Approach in Omnichannel LSQ, Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty International Journal Of Retail & Distribution Management
dc.description.abstract Purpose - The purpose of this research is to analyse the LSQ in the context of three different omni-channel purchasing scenarios while considering four dimensions (timeliness, availability, condition and return of the product) and to assess their impact on customer satisfaction and loyalty. In addition, an evaluation of the relationship between satisfaction and loyalty in the mentioned omni-channel scenarios is investigated. Design/methodology/approach - A mixed two-phase research methodology is proposed: an initial qualitative analysis with six focus groups followed by quantitative research through surveys with a sample of 323 individuals. The proposed scales were tested for three purchase scenarios: 'buy-online-ship-direct' (BOSD), 'buy-online-pickup-in-store' (BOPS) and 'buy-in-store-ship-direct' (BSSD). The data were analysed using partial-least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) techniques. Findings - In an omni-channel context, the most important element of the logistics service deriving in satisfaction was timeliness for all the scenarios. The return-of-product dimension of LSQ was relevant for satisfaction in 'ship-direct' scenarios, while the availability dimension was only relevant for customer loyalty in the BOPS scenario. Customer satisfaction had a positive impact on loyalty in the three purchasing scenarios. Practical implications - These results might provide guidance to managers in order to improve not only logistics procedures and processes but also their relationships with their customers. Moreover, retailers need to account for return policies in ship-direct channels, prioritize punctuality and adapt delivery terms to ensure product availability. Originality/value - This work represents a progress in LSQ research in the B2C omni-channel environment by extending its study to a previously untested purchasing scenario (BOSD) and including a fundamental and insufficiently explored dimension of the LSQ: the return. Keywords Logistics service quality, Omnichannel, Loyalty, Satisfaction, Retailing, Return
dc.language.iso eng
dc.relation.ispartof International Journal Of Retail & Distribution Management, 2021
dc.subject Logística (Indústria)
dc.title A Further Approach in Omnichannel LSQ, Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty
dc.type journal article es_ES 2021-11-10T12:11:57Z
dc.identifier.doi 10.1108/IJRDM-01-2020-0013
dc.identifier.idgrec 148765
dc.rights.accessRights open access es_ES

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