VentQsys: Low-cost open IoT system for CO2 monitoring in classrooms

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VentQsys: Low-cost open IoT system for CO2 monitoring in classrooms

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Fayos-Jordan, Rafael; Segura García, Jaume; Soriano Asensi, Antonio; Felici Castell, Santiago; Felisi, Jose M.; Alcaraz-Calero, Jose M.
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2021

In educational context, a source of nuisance for students is carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration due to closed rooms and lack of ventilation or circulatory air. Also, in the pandemic context, ventilation in indoor environments has been proven as a good tool to control the COVID-19 infections. In this work, it is presented a low cost IoT-based open-hardware and open-software monitoring system to control ventilation, by measuring carbon dioxide (CO2), temperature and relative humidity. This system provides also support for automatic updating, auto-self calibration and adds some Cloud and Edge offloading of computational features for mapping functionalities. From the tests carried out, it is observed a good performance in terms of functionality, battery durability, compared to other measuring devices, more expensive than our proposal.
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