Agreements regarding the property relations of transnational couples and their effects under the application of the twin regulations

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Agreements regarding the property relations of transnational couples and their effects under the application of the twin regulations

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Cazorla González, María José
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2021

It is a true and verifiable fact that the family institution has evolved over recent decades in Europe and throughout the world, but not uniformly or at the same time. This is because it is influenced by social and cultural connotations specific to each State. All of which are respected under EU Regulations 2016/1103 and 2016/1104. This work analyses the Twins Regulations, that gives the couples the possibility of choosing the jurisdiction (art. 7) and applicable legal system underpinning the property consequences of the marriage and registered partnerships (art. 22.1). However, we try to show you these rules absolute freedom of choice is not granted to the parties, because this freedom is conditional. This freedom of choice is limited for several reasons that we analysed in this paper.
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