Different approaches to marriage downgrading : from an anti-elusive measure to an antidiscriminatory claim

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Different approaches to marriage downgrading : from an anti-elusive measure to an antidiscriminatory claim

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Garetto, Roberto
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2021

The essay focuses on the different mechanisms of marriage downgrading. Given the principle of ?cross-border continuity? of statuses, limits to this continuity are sometimes admitted and they are placed through downgrading mechanisms. That can occour in the case of same-sex marriages transcription in a Member State which does not allow such marriages, but which does allow samesex registered partnerships. Downgrading mechanism has an anti-elusive function, but it is not without problems in terms of discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation. A different approach is taken in the case of an opposite-sex couple requesting the downgrading of their marriage, celebrated before the Member State allowed access to registered partnerships for all sex couples. The element of voluntariness seems to be the prerequisite for a proper anti-discrimination rule
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