El nuevo escenario del orden público en el arbitraje : comentario a la STC de España, Sala Primera, núm. 17/2021, de 15 de febrero.

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El nuevo escenario del orden público en el arbitraje : comentario a la STC de España, Sala Primera, núm. 17/2021, de 15 de febrero.

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Blanco García, Ana Isabel
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2021

The Constitutional Court delimits the concept and scope of public order, the requirement to state the grounds and the judicial review within the framework of the action for annulment of arbitral awards. The Constitutional Court rejects the jurisprudential line of the High Court of Justice of Madrid regarding the broadening of the concept of public policy and prevents the review of the merits of the case through the action for annulment.
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