Carnaval y música: una breve semblanza de la Tuna Compostelana de 1888

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Carnaval y música: una breve semblanza de la Tuna Compostelana de 1888

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Freitas de Torres, Leslie es 2021-12-23T12:21:27Z 2021-12-23T12:21:27Z 2021 es
dc.identifier.citation Freitas de Torres, Leslie. Carnaval y música: una breve semblanza de la Tuna Compostelana de 1888. En: Itamar, revista de investigación musical: territorios para el arte, 7 2021: 285-298 es
dc.description.abstract At the end of the 19th century, Spanish carnivals have been marked by the participation of the different tunas or also known as, estudiantinas. These groups achieved significant relevance in Galicia, especially in the city of Compostela, which, year after year, encouraged and supported the formation of groups of this nature to liven up the carnivals in the different Spanish cities. Although, different from its predecessors, the Santiago Tuna of 1888 ventured and made its mark in history, thanks to its intrepidity in having been the first Galician group that crossed the borders and enlivened the carnivals in the cities of the neighboring country, Portugal. This research, approached from a historical and descriptive perspective, aims to carry out a review of the semblance Compostelana Estudiantina of 1888, through primary and secondary sources, and place it as an indispensable part of a tradition, which lasts until today. es
dc.subject 2386-8260 13268 Itamar es
dc.subject revista de investigación musical: territorios para el arte 590908 2021 7 8182068 Carnaval y música: una breve semblanza de la Tuna Compostelana de 1888 Freitas de Torres es
dc.subject Leslie At the end of the 19th century es
dc.subject Spanish carnivals have been marked by the participation of the different tunas or also known as es
dc.subject estudiantinas. These groups achieved significant relevance in Galicia es
dc.subject especially in the city of Compostela es
dc.subject which es
dc.subject year after year es
dc.subject encouraged and supported the formation of groups of this nature to liven up the carnivals in the different Spanish cities. Although es
dc.subject different from its predecessors es
dc.subject the Santiago Tuna of 1888 ventured and made its mark in history es
dc.subject thanks to its intrepidity in having been the first Galician group that crossed the borders and enlivened the carnivals in the cities of the neighboring country es
dc.subject Portugal. This research es
dc.subject approached from a historical and descriptive perspective es
dc.subject aims to carry out a review of the semblance Compostelana Estudiantina of 1888 es
dc.subject through primary and secondary sources es
dc.subject and place it as an indispensable part of a tradition es
dc.subject which lasts until today. 285 298 es
dc.title Carnaval y música: una breve semblanza de la Tuna Compostelana de 1888 es
dc.type journal article es_ES
dc.identifier.doi es
dc.type.hasVersion VoR es_ES

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