ACTO II / ACT II Mujeres / Women ¿Es gay la música de Chopin? Aspectos de la recepción de la música de Chopin en el siglo XIX

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ACTO II / ACT II Mujeres / Women ¿Es gay la música de Chopin? Aspectos de la recepción de la música de Chopin en el siglo XIX

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Albo, Francisco Javier
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2021

Considering that it is difficult, if not impossible, for an analysis of Chopin?s music to unmask some aspects of his private life (such as an alleged sexual and affective attraction for individuals of his own sex), we can however argue that, throughout the 19th century, a connection was established between his work and a ?feminine universe.? That connection might have had implications in the way in which the feminized image of its author was constructed. The analysis of certain aesthetic and stylistic traits of Chopin?s music can help understand the causes of that perception.
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