Chryseobacterium potabilaquae sp. nov., Chryseobacterium aquaeductus sp. nov. and Chryseobacterium fistulae sp. nov., from drinking water systems

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Chryseobacterium potabilaquae sp. nov., Chryseobacterium aquaeductus sp. nov. and Chryseobacterium fistulae sp. nov., from drinking water systems

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Lucena Reyes, Teresa Ruvira, María A. Macián Rovira, M. Carmen Arahal, David R. Aznar Novella, Rosa Pujalte Domarco, María Jesús 2022-01-10T14:31:26Z 2022-01-10T14:31:26Z 2021
dc.identifier.citation Lucena Reyes, Teresa Ruvira, María A. Macián Rovira, M. Carmen Arahal, David R. Aznar Novella, Rosa Pujalte Domarco, María Jesús 2021 Chryseobacterium potabilaquae sp. nov., Chryseobacterium aquaeductus sp. nov. and Chryseobacterium fistulae sp. nov., from drinking water systems International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 71 9 005020
dc.description.abstract A polyphasic taxonomic study was conducted on three strains isolated from drinking water systems that had previously been deposited as Chryseobacterium species at the Spanish Type Culture Collection in order to complete their classification. Strains CECT 9293T, CECT 9390T and CECT 9393T were isolated from sites in Barcelona, Spain, in the framework of a project aimed at generating the first MALDI-TOF database specific for bacteria present in water for human consumption. Their partial 16S rRNA sequences showed that their closest relatives among the type strains of Chryseobacterium exhibited 98 % similarity or less, supporting their taxonomic novelty. At the same time, comparison between them revealed that strains CECT 9293T and CECT 9393T could perhaps be related at the species level as they shared 99.5 % similarity. However, whole genome sequencing was performed and the subsequent calculation of relatedness indices, average nucleotide identity and estimated DNA-DNA hybridization, ruled out that possibility and confirmed instead that each of the strains should be considered a separate species in the genus Chryseobacterium. Having clarified their status, we also performed phylogenomic analyses and searched for possible environmental or non-type material sequences that could be related to any of them at the species level. In parallel, the strains were characterized phenotypically and compared to their closest relatives to determine diagnostic traits to support their formal proposal. The proposed species are Chryseobacterium potabilaquae sp. nov. with the type strain CECT 9293T (=LMG 32084T), Chryseobacterium aquaeductus sp. nov. with the type strain CECT 9390T (=LMG 32085T) and Chryseobacterium fistulae sp. nov. with the type strain CECT 9393T (=LMG 32086T).
dc.language.iso eng
dc.relation.ispartof International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 2021, vol. 71, num. 9, p. 005020
dc.subject Microbiologia
dc.subject Aigua potable
dc.subject Bacteris patògens
dc.title Chryseobacterium potabilaquae sp. nov., Chryseobacterium aquaeductus sp. nov. and Chryseobacterium fistulae sp. nov., from drinking water systems
dc.type journal article es_ES 2022-01-10T14:31:27Z
dc.identifier.doi 10.1099/ijsem.0.005020
dc.identifier.idgrec 148088
dc.rights.accessRights open access es_ES

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