COVID-19 and changes in social habits. Restaurant terraces, a booming space in cities. The case of Madrid

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COVID-19 and changes in social habits. Restaurant terraces, a booming space in cities. The case of Madrid

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Pérez Giménez, Virgilio Aybar Arias, Cristina Pavía Miralles, José Manuel 2022-01-21T08:57:13Z 2022-01-21T08:57:13Z 2021
dc.identifier.citation Pérez Giménez, Virgilio Aybar Arias, Cristina Pavía Miralles, José Manuel 2021 COVID-19 and changes in social habits. Restaurant terraces, a booming space in cities. The case of Madrid Mathematics 9 17
dc.description.abstract The COVID-19 pandemic and the fear experienced by some of the population, along with the lack of mobility due to the restrictions imposed, has modified the social behaviour of Spaniards. This has had a significant effect on the hospitality sector, viewed as being an economic and social driver in Spain. From the analysis of data collected in two of our own non-probabilistic surveys (N ~ 8400 and N ~ 2000), we show how, during the first six months of the pandemic, Spaniards notably reduced their consumption in bars and restaurants, also preferring outdoor spaces to spaces inside. The restaurant sector has needed to adapt to this situation and, with the support of the authorities (regional and local governments), new terraces have been allowed on pavements and public parking spaces, modifying the appearance of the streets of main towns and cities. This study, focused on the city of Madrid, analyses the singular causes that have prompted this significant impact on this particular city, albeit with an uneven spatial distribution. It seems likely that the new measures will leave their mark and some of the changes will remain. The positive response to these changes from the residents of Madrid has ensured the issue is being widely debated in the public arena.
dc.language.iso eng
dc.relation.ispartof Mathematics, 2021, vol. 9, num. 17
dc.subject Economia Aspectes sociològics
dc.title COVID-19 and changes in social habits. Restaurant terraces, a booming space in cities. The case of Madrid
dc.type journal article es_ES 2022-01-21T08:57:13Z
dc.identifier.doi 10.3390/math9172133
dc.identifier.idgrec 149501
dc.rights.accessRights open access es_ES

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