IEL.21-22- Unit 1. The protection of the environment in its international dimension

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IEL.21-22- Unit 1. The protection of the environment in its international dimension

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Zambrano González, Karla
UNIT 1.-THE PROTECTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT IN ITS INTERNATIONAL DIMENSION. GENERAL ASPECTS. 1. Environmental protection: basic concepts - The international dimension of environmental protection: factors and interests at work -A. A single but compartmentalized World; B. Transboundary and global problems; C. International cooperation and conditioning factors. 2. Historical evolution: A. The 1972 Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment. B. The 1992 Rio de Janeiro Conference on Environment and Development C. The 2002 Johannesburg World Summit on Sustainable Development. D. The Rio+20 Summit of 2012: "The future we want". 3. The new environmental paradigm: sustainable development. A. The consecration of the sustainable development paradigm. B. The environmental dimension of sustainable development. c. Sustainable development in the Anthropocene.

    International Environmental Law. Unit 1. The protection of the environment in its international dimension. Powerpoint of the Academic course 2021-2022.
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