Education for Road Safety: What is the State of Affairs in Three Groups of Vulnerable Road Users in Spain?

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Education for Road Safety: What is the State of Affairs in Three Groups of Vulnerable Road Users in Spain?

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Alonso Plá, Francisco Manuel; Esteban Martínez, Cristina; Faus, Mireia; Useche, Sergio A.
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2021

RSE (Road Safety Education) is well recognized as a reliable predictor of future safety and health outcomes. However, most countries have been slow to develop it, which has contributed to the sensitivity of the situation, as traffic accidents continue to be a major concern for community health. This paper aims to describe and compare key variables related to the RSE among three critical segments of the population, using the data provided by: 477 high school students, 843 university students and 476 older adults. Differential coverage rates were found. Perceived quality, aroused interest and attributed utility for RSE interventions were also compared among groups, finding substantial differences among them in terms of these three aspects of the intervention. Although coverage of RSE-related programs has grown considerably during the last years, substantial difficulties are still evident.
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