The Italian Self care diabetic foot questionnaire, (SDFQ-IT) is considered a dia-betic foot self-care evaluation tool with 16 questions for assessing diabetic foothealth disorders. To date, SDFQ has been validated in different languages, butan Italian version was lacking. Consequently, the purpose of this study was totranslate and validate the Italian version of the SDFQ-I T (SDFQ-IT). A suitablemethod was developed for the translation protocol and cross-cultural valida-tion from Spanish to Italian. Regarding the total marks from each sub-scale,agreement degrees, and confidence were analysed using the Cronbach's α andintraclass correlation coefficient (IC C), respectively. In addition, the mean± SD differences between pre and post-tests were calculated and completedusing the Bland and Altman distribution plots. Excellent agreement betweenthe two versions based on Cronbach's α was demonstrated. Three sub-scalesconsisting of knowledge of foot hygiene, the appropriate use of footwear andsocks, and podiatric self-care were added together to obtain the total score.Excellent retest reliability was shown for the total score. Test/retest reliabilitywas excellent for the self-care domain, and shock and shoe sub-scales. Therewere no significant differences among any domain (P > .05). There were nostatistically significant differences (P = .000) for the mean ± SDs differencesbetween pre-and post-tests (92.9200 ± 12.914) [89.25-96.59] and 92.9200± 13.012 [89.22-96.62] points, respectively). Bland and Altman plots or clini-cally pertinent variations were not statistically significantly different. TheSDFQ-IT is considered a strong and valid questionnaire with adequate repeat-ability in the Italian community.