Hacia una evaluación de la eficacia intercultural en el profesorado en formación

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Hacia una evaluación de la eficacia intercultural en el profesorado en formación

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Íñiguez Berrozpe, Tatiana; Valero Errazu, Diana; Flecha Fernández de Sanmamed, Ainhoa; Redondo Sama, Gisela
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2021

In this article an exploratory analysis of the concept of multicultural efficacy in relation to the teaching profession is carried out, applying the Multicultural Efficacy Scale by Guyton and Wesche (2005), collecting data of n. = 296 students of last year of Teaching of Early Education, Primary Education and the Master of Secondary Education Teachers. For its analysis, the incidence of sociodemographic factors in the multicultural efficacy indexes, and the dependency relationship among them, is evaluated. The results show the applicability of the scale; that the teachers in formation present high indexes as much in attitude as in intercultural effectiveness, but a little knowledge on it; it is demonstrated that the sociodemographic variables affect the multicultural efficacy indexes; and how attitude influences multicultural efficacy.
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