El Proyecto de Intervención Comunitaria Intercultural en el municipio de Paterna, provincia de Valencia, España: modelos de referencia en la gestión de la diversidad

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El Proyecto de Intervención Comunitaria Intercultural en el municipio de Paterna, provincia de Valencia, España: modelos de referencia en la gestión de la diversidad

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Galeano Camacho,Ana María Sosa, Jorge Luis Méndez López, Ángel Joel 2022-03-02T12:05:56Z 2022-03-02T12:05:56Z 2021
dc.identifier.citation Galeano Camacho,Ana María Sosa, Jorge Luis Méndez López, Ángel Joel 2021 El Proyecto de Intervención Comunitaria Intercultural en el municipio de Paterna, provincia de Valencia, España: modelos de referencia en la gestión de la diversidad Perspectivas Revista de Ciencias Sociales 12 408 430
dc.description.abstract In this research, the main model of coexistence and diversity management in the province of Valencia, Spain has been analyzed. For this, a qualitative investigation has been carried out, along with a wide bibliographic and documentary search of the main theoretical categories, which have helped us to understand the mediations that go through the analyzed phenomenon and have allowed us to fulfill the objective main of this research. Likewise, the good practices that some social organizations have been carrying out in the Province of Valencia have been valued, among them the Fundación Secretariado Gitano, within the framework of the Intercultural Community Intervention Project, which seeks to promote Intercultural Citizen Coexistence in the Municipality of Paterna, specifically in the neighborhoods of La Coma and Santa Rita. With the project, different processes of social transformation have been created, creating spaces for participation and exchange, planning and organization of the community's social resources, and greater awareness and appreciation of diversity.
dc.language.iso spa
dc.relation.ispartof Perspectivas Revista de Ciencias Sociales, 2021, num. 12, p. 408-430
dc.subject Cultura
dc.title El Proyecto de Intervención Comunitaria Intercultural en el municipio de Paterna, provincia de Valencia, España: modelos de referencia en la gestión de la diversidad
dc.type journal article es_ES 2022-03-02T12:05:56Z
dc.identifier.idgrec 150505
dc.rights.accessRights open access es_ES

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