The presentation will be divided into three movements: fractures, reconstructions and archives. Each movement will correspond to a different typology of objects: shoes, nails and beams, clothes. The aim is to show the process of defamiliarization/refamiliarization of some of the objects present in the testimonial stories of Miguel Lawner (Return to Isla Dawson) and Marta Dillon (Aparecida), as well as in a corpus of photographic images ((Javier García, Lourdes Almeida, Gustavo Gutiérrez) and artistic and performative works (Alfredo López Casanova, Colectivo de Hijos, Elina Chauvet, Doris Salcedo). As a whole, they are objects that exhibit resistance and resilience, creations that are opposed to ?counter creation? ? as Primo Levi defines it ? programmed by the concentration-based universe. Through them the autobiographical story broken by the seizure or by the disappearance returns to ?get in shape? (Arfuch, 2013), having been centered on the metonymic eloquence of the object.