Coming out comparative report. Gender-stereotyped jobs and gender-based identities in the school-to-work transition

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Coming out comparative report. Gender-stereotyped jobs and gender-based identities in the school-to-work transition

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Ingellis, Anna Giulia; Diaz, Capitolina
Aquest document és un/a llibre, creat/da en: 2019
Coming out comparative report presenta los principales resultados obtenidos por la parte cualitativa del proyecto de investigación "Free to choose". Se encuentran evidencias obtenidas en los 4 países involucrados acerca de la influencia de los estereotipos de género en la transición escuela trabajo. La persistencia de los estereotipos de género es emerge claramente tanto en las narrativas juveniles, como en los discursos de los educadores y orientadores que con ellos trabajan. Sin embargo, se aprecian intentos de tomar decisiones más libres de tradiciones y convenciones, sobre todo en países como Espña y Portugal.Free to Choose (FtC) is an EU-funded project whose main aim was to design, test and implement a game addressing the reduction of the gender stereotypes which act against gender equality at work. The key feature of the project was to base the intervention on specific knowledge produced with the express purpose of basing the action on it. Work stream 1 of the FtC project was entirely dedicated to a complex research action, Operational Map. Its overall objective was twofold. On one hand, through the Mind the Gap research, it drew a picture of gender inequality in the labour market and educational systems of the countries involved in the project, comparing the gender gaps in those countries with the European average. On the other hand, through the Coming Out research, it undertook a deep analysis of stereotypes existing in the two main groups targeted by the project: young people and adults with key roles in education, orientation and training and employment services. This report presents the main results of the Coming Out research, the qualitative element of the complex mixed-method study, Operational Map. More specifically, Mind the Gap has explored and analysed the several forms of gender gap present in the Mediterranean European countries involved in the project (Cyprus, Italy, Portugal, Slovenia and Spain), while Coming Out has explored the existence and persistence of gender stereotypes and their influence in the transition from education to work, from a subjective perspective.
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