Los Test Proyectivos : una crítica a su uso en el ámbito forense

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Los Test Proyectivos : una crítica a su uso en el ámbito forense

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Lozano Gómez, Rubén
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2020

In the forensic field, the use of projective tests is highly questioned due to the lack of validity and reliability of the results obtained by said techniques. Despite the above, they are used in cases of alleged sexual abuse. Therefore, the interpretations and conclusions reached by professionals who use these techniques often lack scientific support, an attribute required by the courts for the incorporation of any report within the judicial sphere. Despite the criticisms of these techniques, which are not only limited to validity and reliability, since it is also questioned whether they were designed to be used in the judicial field, since practically all of them arise in the clinical field.
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