Análisis de los planes territoriales sectoriales en España. Diagnóstico y tipificación por comunidades autónomas

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Análisis de los planes territoriales sectoriales en España. Diagnóstico y tipificación por comunidades autónomas

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Peiró Sánchez-Manjavacas, Enrique
Aquest document és un/a llibre, creat/da en: 2017

    The current circumstances of territorial and urban planning in Spain make it necessary to propose new development models that provide solutions to the most complex territorial challenges and realities. The book first analyses the current situation in order to characterise sectoral planning, assessing specific issues such as the instruments for carrying out planning or the hierarchical relationships between them. Once the analysis has been completed, it moves on to diagnosis and typification using a multi-criteria analysis methodology capable of assessing a wide range of issues. The work closes with a definition of sectoral planning and current trends in its application, on the basis of which initial proposals for improving the application of sectoral planning are presented, which will enable improvements to be made in territorial planning.
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