Refractometric sensor based on whispering-gallery modes of thin capillaries

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Refractometric sensor based on whispering-gallery modes of thin capillaries

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Zamora, Vanessa; Díez Cremades, Antonio; Andrés, Miguel V.; Gimeno Martínez, Benito
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2007

Whispering-gallery modes resonances of submicron wall thickness capillaries exhibit very large wavelength shifts as a function of the refractive index of the medium that fills the inside. The sensitivity to refractive index changes is larger than in other optical microcavities as microspheres, microdisks and microrings. The outer surface where total internal reflection takes place remains always in air, enabling the measure of refractive index values higher than the refractive index of the capillary material. The fabrication of capillaries with submicron wall thickness has required the development of a specific technique. A refractometer with a response higher than 390 nm per refractive index unit is demonstrated. These sensors are readily compatible with microfluidic systems.
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