Waveguiding properties of a photonic crystal fiber with a solid core surrounded by four large air holes

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Waveguiding properties of a photonic crystal fiber with a solid core surrounded by four large air holes

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Delgado-Pinar, Martina; Díez Cremades, Antonio; Torres Peiró, Salvador; Andrés, Miguel V.; Pinheiro-Ortega, T.; Silvestre Mora, Enrique
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2009

The polarization-dependent guiding properties of a hexagonallattice photonic crystal fiber with a solid-core surrounded by four large air holes are investigated. The appearance of a polarization dependent cutoff frequency, together with several parameters as the birefringence, the modal effective area, the group velocity dispersion and the polarization dependent loss are analyzed. A collection of fibers with different structural parameters were fabricated and characterized. An effective anti-guide structure from at least 450 nm to 1750 nm, a polarizing fiber with a polarization dependent loss of 16 dB/m at 1550 nm, and an endlessly singlemode polarization maintaining fiber with group birefringence of 2.1x10-3 at 1550 nm are reported. Experimental results are compared with accurate numerical modeling of the fibers.
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