Estimation of the combined effects of ageing and seasonality on mortality risk: An application to Spain

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Estimation of the combined effects of ageing and seasonality on mortality risk: An application to Spain

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Pavía Miralles, José Manuel Lledó Benito, Josep 2022-03-29T11:52:58Z 2022-03-30T04:45:05Z 2021 es_ES
dc.identifier.citation Pavía, J.M. & Lledó, J.(2021). J R Stat Soc Series A, 1– 26, Wiley es_ES
dc.description.abstract Despite the overwhelming evidence that shows the persistence of intra-annual variations on demographic events (deaths, birth dates and migration flows), life tables are computed and provided on an annual basis. This paper develops a new estimator for estimating sub-annual death rates that, considering the exact moment of occurrence (exact age and day) of events, concurrently accounts for ageing and calendar fluctuations. This paper also shows how modelling the intra-annual variations of death rates, through specific seasonal–ageing indexes, can be used as a tool for constructing new sub-annual tables from annual tables. This new methodology is exemplified using a real database of Spain made up of 186 million demographic events (1.5 million of which are deaths), from which seasonal–ageing indexes are estimated and conclusions drawn. First, seasonal effects are, as a rule, stronger than ageing effects. For a given integer age, season has a higher impact on increasing or decreasing the average risk of death at that age than the actual age of the exposed-to-risk. Second, the intensity of the effects varies among seasons and age-quarters. Third, neither seasonal nor ageing effects are age-stationary. Their impact, be it to varying degrees, intensifies as people get older. Fourth, there is interaction between seasonal and ageing effects. In short, life expectancies and probabilities of dying/surviving not only depend on people's age, but also on when their birthday falls within the year. This has implications, for instance, in managing pension systems or for insurance companies. es_ES
dc.language.iso en es_ES
dc.subject big microdata es_ES
dc.subject insurance es_ES
dc.subject mortality rates es_ES
dc.subject pension systems es_ES
dc.subject quarterlylife tables es_ES
dc.subject seasonal–ageing indexes es_ES
dc.title Estimation of the combined effects of ageing and seasonality on mortality risk: An application to Spain es_ES
dc.type journal article es_ES
dc.identifier.doi 10.1111/rssa.12769 es_ES
dc.accrualmethod S es_ES
dc.embargo.terms 0 days es_ES

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