The General Factor of Personality: Histoy of an interdisciplinary venture

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The General Factor of Personality: Histoy of an interdisciplinary venture

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Caselles Moncho, Antonio Micó i Ruiz, Joan Carles Amigó Borrás, Salvador 2022-04-13T12:18:49Z 2022-04-13T12:18:49Z 2018
dc.identifier.citation Caselles Moncho, Antonio Micó i Ruiz, Joan Carles Amigó Borrás, Salvador 2018 The General Factor of Personality: Histoy of an interdisciplinary venture Revista Internacional de Sistemas 22 1 1 6
dc.description.abstract The General Factor of Personality (GFP) is a new psychological approach of the study of the human personality that is based on the idea that, as in the case of General Intelligence, there is a personality super-factor that agglutinates and represents all the other aspects of personality. Therefore, it can be considered as a system of personality subsystems, or a global and integrated system of all the different components from the personality. Thus, the GFP also can be studied from Psychology and from General Systems Theory. As far as psychology, the theoretical and empirical boarding of the GFP has been limited the structural study, that is to say, to the correlational and structural study of the main factors of personality and the GFP. Between the personality models that have been used to make these studies, it raises the model of Big Five (Extraversion, Neuroticism, Opening to Experience, Amiableness and Responsibility) and the model of Eysenck (Extraversion, Neuroticism, Psychoticism). But nothing is known about the dynamic relations among these factors at the time of explaining the personality super-factor that represents the GFP. The main aim of our research group has consisted of the study of the dynamics of the GFP and the factors that compose it. To do so, it has been started from the single trait theory of personality [1] and the theory of systems, in order to advance on the study and understanding of the GFP and to design a mathematical model that explains its dynamics. The stimulant drugs have been considered as a stimulus that initiates the body's response and, therefore, that of the GFP. At the present time, we have been able to state and to describe the dynamics of the super-factor of personality of the human being; simultaneously we have entered into other related areas such as the study of the change of the GFP with the Therapy of Auto-Regulation (TAR), the personality of societies, or the relation body-mind. Next the evolution of the work of the team through something more than one decade is explained with a little more detail and chronological form.
dc.language.iso eng
dc.relation.ispartof Revista Internacional de Sistemas, 2018, vol. 22, num. 1, p. 1-6
dc.subject Personalitat
dc.title The General Factor of Personality: Histoy of an interdisciplinary venture
dc.type journal article es_ES 2022-04-13T12:18:49Z
dc.identifier.doi 10.7203/RIS.22.1.11484
dc.identifier.idgrec 125557
dc.rights.accessRights open access es_ES

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