Dear-shiny: an interactive web app for data envelopment analysis

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Dear-shiny: an interactive web app for data envelopment analysis

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Benítez Suárez, Rafael; Coll Serrano, Vicente; Bolós Lacave, Vicente
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2021

In this paper, we describe an interactive web application (deaR-shiny) to measure efficiency and productivity using data envelopment analysis (DEA). deaR-shiny aims to fill the gap that currently exists in the availability of online DEA software offering practitioners and researchers free access to a very wide variety of DEA models (both conventional and fuzzy models). We illustrate how to use the web app by replicating the main results obtained by Carlucci, Cirà and Coccorese in 2018, who investigate the efficiency and economic sustainability of Italian regional airport by using two conventional DEA models, and the results given by Kao and Liu in their papers published in 2000 and 2003, who calculate the efficiency scores of university libraries in Taiwan by using a fuzzy DEA model because they treat missing data as fuzzy numbers.
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