Trajectory analysis of suicidal ideation in Spanish college students using ecological momentary assessment

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Trajectory analysis of suicidal ideation in Spanish college students using ecological momentary assessment

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Layrón Folgado, Jose Enrique; Conchado Peiró, Andrea; Marco Salvador, José Heliodoro; Barrigón Estevez, María Luisa; Pérez Rodríguez, Sandra; Baca García, Enrique
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2022

Suicide is a preventable death in young people. It is well known that suicide behavior is a multicausal phenomenon. However, suicidal ideation (SI) commonly underlies suicide, and Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA) can help us to better characterize it and its risk and protective factors in the short term. We aimed, first, to investigate the estimated prevalence and trajectories of SI in a community sample of Spanish college students using an EMA methodology and, second, explore the associations between risk and protective factors and SI categorized as moderate or low
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