Representação social de formação docente para estudantes da Universidade de València/Espanha

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Representação social de formação docente para estudantes da Universidade de València/Espanha

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Melo, Elda Silva do Nascimento; Beltrán Llavador, José
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2021

This study was developed during the Post Doctoral Internship, under the supervision of prof. Dr. José Beltran Llavador. We sought to verify the construction of social representations of students of the Sociology course at the Universitat de València on teacher training. We used bibliographical, documentary and empirical research. Our referential involved Theory of Social Representations and Theory of the Central Nucleus; in addition to the legal bases that guide the training of teachers in Brazil and Spain. For data collection we made a cut and presented only the results of the Free Word Association Technique. The treatment of qualitative data started from Content Analysis. The work sought to contribute to reflection on the formation of teachers, in general, and Sociology teachers, in particular, involving Brazil and Spain.
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