Parenting and adolescent adjustment: The mediational role of family self-esteem

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Parenting and adolescent adjustment: The mediational role of family self-esteem

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Martínez, Isabel Murgui Pérez, Sergio García Buelga, Óscar Fernando García, Fernando 2022-05-16T18:46:29Z 2022-05-16T18:46:29Z 2021
dc.identifier.citation Martínez, Isabel Murgui Pérez, Sergio García Buelga, Óscar Fernando García, Fernando 2021 Parenting and adolescent adjustment: The mediational role of family self-esteem Journal Of Child And Family Studies 30 1184 1197
dc.description.abstract The present study analyzes the relationship between parental socialization practices, acceptance/involvement, and strictness/ imposition, and different indicators of adolescent adjustment, taking into account the role of family self-esteem. A sample of 848 Spanish adolescents (54.70% females) ranging in age from 14 to 18 years old (M = 16.11, SD = 1.10) participated in the study. A series of structural equations models (SEMs) were tested to examine the mediational role of family self-esteem in the relationship between parenting practices and the outcome variables that capture adolescent adjustment: emotional instability, antisocial behavior, and academic achievement. The influence of parental practices on adolescent adjustment is expected to take place through family self-esteem. The results showed that the effect of acceptance/involvement and strictness/imposition practices on emotional instability, antisocial behavior, and academic achievement was mediated by family self-esteem. Family self-esteem eliminates the previous direct relationships between parental practices and all the adolescent adjustment variables, except the one between acceptance/involvement and emotional instability, which was reduced but not eliminated. Acceptance/involvement practices positively influence adolescents' adjustment via family selfesteem, whereas strictness/imposition practices negatively influence adolescents' adjustment via family self-esteem. This study contributes to clarifying the relationship between parental practices and adolescent adjustment, considering family self-esteem as a mediational variable rather than as an adolescent adjustment indicator. The present findings and their implications for parenting science are discussed.
dc.language.iso eng
dc.relation.ispartof Journal Of Child And Family Studies, 2021, vol. 30, p. 1184-1197
dc.subject Psicologia
dc.subject Educació
dc.title Parenting and adolescent adjustment: The mediational role of family self-esteem
dc.type journal article es_ES 2022-05-16T18:46:29Z
dc.identifier.doi 10.1007/s10826-021-01937-z
dc.identifier.idgrec 153123
dc.rights.accessRights open access es_ES

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