Exploratory study of the hoaxes spread via WhatsApp in Spain to prevent and/or cure COVID-19

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Exploratory study of the hoaxes spread via WhatsApp in Spain to prevent and/or cure COVID-19

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Moreno-Castro, Carolina Vengut-Climent, Empar Cano Orón, Lorena Mendoza Poudereux, Isabel 2022-05-19T13:30:45Z 2022-05-19T13:30:45Z 2021
dc.identifier.citation Moreno-Castro, Carolina Vengut-Climent, Empar Cano Orón, Lorena Mendoza Poudereux, Isabel 2021 Exploratory study of the hoaxes spread via WhatsApp in Spain to prevent and/or cure COVID-19 Gaceta Sanitaria 35 6 534 541
dc.description.abstract Objetivo: Examinar las características de los bulos difundidos por WhatsApp en España durante el confinamiento por la pandemia de COVID-19 e identificar qué tipo de sustancias se promovieron para su ingesta o uso. Método: Se habilitó un número de teléfono para recibir bulos por WhatsApp. Se recibieron 2353 mensajes, de los que se identificaron y validaron 584 bulos distintos, entre el 18 de marzo y el 18 de abril de 2020. De los 584 bulos, se seleccionó una submuestra de 126 relacionados con el objeto de estudio y se aplicó una ficha de análisis de contenido con 14 campos de registro. Además, se extrajeron las medias y medianas de los campos cuantitativos. Resultados: La mayor parte de los mensajes fueron cadenas de texto (39%) y vídeos (30%). En la mayoría, el sujeto se presentaba como personal médico (36,5%) o como persona anónima (30,9%). Los vídeos tuvieron una duración de entre 2¿ 40¿ y 18¿ 18¿, mientras que los audios fueron de entre 1¿ 35¿ y 7¿ 48¿. Con respecto al sexo, se apreció una gran diferencia: el 45,2% de los protagonistas fueron hombres, frente al 13,5% de mujeres; el 41,3% no era identificable. Conclusiones: Uno de cada cinco bulos recibidos fue sobre prevención o curación del coronavirus, argumentados sobre el principio de autoridad médica y básicamente promoviendo el uso y consumo de sustancias de origen natural Objective: To review the hoaxes' characteristics spread through WhatsApp in Spain during COVID-19lockdown and identify what kind of substances were promoted for consumption or application.Method: A phone number was activated to receive hoaxes via WhatsApp. A total of 2353 messages werecollected, and among those 584 different hoaxes were identified and validated, between March 18 andApril 18, 2020. From these 584 hoaxes, a sub-sample of 126 was selected, exclusively related to the objectof study, and a content analysis table with fourteen registration fields was applied. Besides, the averagesand medians of the quantitative fields were extracted.Results: Most of the messages received were texts (39%) and videos (30%). In the majority, the actingsubject was presented as medical personnel (36.5%) or as an anonymous person (30.9%). The videoslasted between 2' 40' and 18' 18', while the audios ranged between 1' 35' and 7' 48'. Regarding thegender of the informant, there was a significant difference, with 45.2% being male, and 13.5%, female and41.3% non-identifiable.Conclusions: One out of five false health claims received was about prevention or cure of the coron-avirus, based on the principle of medical authority, and basically promoting the use and consumption ofsubstances of natural origin.
dc.language.iso eng
dc.relation.ispartof Gaceta Sanitaria, 2021, vol. 35, num. 6, p. 534-541
dc.subject Salut pública
dc.subject Sociologia
dc.subject Xarxes socials
dc.subject Desinformació
dc.title Exploratory study of the hoaxes spread via WhatsApp in Spain to prevent and/or cure COVID-19
dc.type journal article es_ES 2022-05-19T13:30:45Z
dc.identifier.doi 10.1016/j.gaceta.2020.07.008
dc.identifier.idgrec 150604
dc.rights.accessRights open access es_ES

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