Self-care appraisal in nursing assistant students: Adaptation, validation and psychometric properties of the Spanish ASAS

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Self-care appraisal in nursing assistant students: Adaptation, validation and psychometric properties of the Spanish ASAS

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Colomer Pérez, Natura Useche, Sergio A. 2022-06-13T14:42:47Z 2022-06-13T14:42:47Z 2021
dc.identifier.citation Colomer Pérez, Natura Useche, Sergio A. 2021 Self-care appraisal in nursing assistant students: Adaptation, validation and psychometric properties of the Spanish ASAS Plos One
dc.description.abstract The core implication of nursing professionals' labor is promoting self-care and foster well-being among healthcare service users. The beginning of the healing process starts with the provider, and self-care habits are needed to positively impact on patients' care outcomes at different spheres. Overall, current literature supports the idea that nurses' personal self-care should be a necessary skill to be expected in their professional role. In this regard, the Appraisal of Self-care Agency Scale (ASAS) is a worldwide known instrument aimed at assessing the ability to engage in self-care. However, it has never been tested in the Spanish context before, and much less in nursing practitioners or apprentices. The aim of this study was to translate, adapt and validate the ASAS for Spanish nursing apprentices, assessing its dimensionality, psychometric properties and convergent validity by means of the Sense of Coherence (SOC-13) questionnaire. Methods: Data were collected from a random sample of 921 Certificated Nursing Assistant (CNA) Spanish students and was analyzed trough confirmatory factor analyses via structural equation models. The core ASAS construct and its subscales were correlated with the SOC-13 scores. Results: Fair psychometric properties for the questionnaire were set. Also, SEM models endorse the validity and reliability of the four-factor dimensionality of the Spanish adaptation of the ASAS, whose associations to SOC scores were coherent and significant. Conclusion: This study allowed to establish that the Spanish version of the ASAS might be a useful tool for addressing self-care-related issues among nursing apprentices, a key population for promoting both their own and patients' health and welfare through healthy and care-related behaviors.
dc.language.iso eng
dc.relation.ispartof Plos One, 2021
dc.subject Seguretat viària
dc.title Self-care appraisal in nursing assistant students: Adaptation, validation and psychometric properties of the Spanish ASAS
dc.type journal article es_ES 2022-06-13T14:42:47Z
dc.identifier.doi 10.1371/journal.pone.0260827
dc.identifier.idgrec 154135
dc.rights.accessRights open access es_ES

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