Soil and organic carbon redistribution in a recently burned Mediterranean hillslope affected by water erosion processes

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Soil and organic carbon redistribution in a recently burned Mediterranean hillslope affected by water erosion processes

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Campo Velásquez, Julián Cammeraat, L. H. Gimeno García, Eugenia Andreu Pérez, Vicente 2022-06-14T12:43:59Z 2023-10-19T04:45:07Z 2021
dc.identifier.citation Campo Velásquez, Julián Cammeraat, L. H. Gimeno García, Eugenia Andreu Pérez, Vicente 2021 Soil and organic carbon redistribution in a recently burned Mediterranean hillslope affected by water erosion processes Geoderma 406 115539
dc.description.abstract Forest fires cause many changes in the physical, chemical and biological soil properties such as aggregation and soil organic carbon contents (SOC) as well as on soil hydrology and erosion processes. Most studies on post-fire soil erosion in Mediterranean environments have been plot-based and research at hillslope or broader scale is scarce. Understanding SOC nature, distribution and modifications, as produced by forest fires and erosion, has become crucial to model and define the role of soil erosion as source or sink of C, and to sustainably manage ecosystem services related to the soil resource. This research provides data about the loss and redistribution of soil and SOC in a Mediterranean forest hillslope burned with high severity, at the Natural Park of Sierra de Espadán, Spain. Soil was sampled in coupled hillslopes (ca. 0.25 ha) (BU: burned, CO: control) at bottom (depositional), middle (transport) and top positions (eroding) at two depths (0-2 cm, 2-5 cm), and under two environments (UC: under canopy soil, BS: bare soil). Sediments were collected after each erosive event along one year, and yields were calculated. Samples were analysed to assess aggregate stability (AS), size and density fractionations, SOC contents and stocks. The main hypothesis is that fire affects soil characteristics related to aggregation and SOC stabilization and, together with erosion processes, may modify SOC distribution within aggregates and the burned hillslope.
dc.language.iso eng
dc.relation.ispartof Geoderma, 2021, vol. 406, num. 115539
dc.subject Incendis
dc.subject Sòls Erosió
dc.subject Sòls Degradació
dc.title Soil and organic carbon redistribution in a recently burned Mediterranean hillslope affected by water erosion processes
dc.type journal article es_ES 2022-06-14T12:43:59Z
dc.identifier.doi 10.1016/j.geoderma.2021.115539
dc.identifier.idgrec 152904
dc.embargo.terms 2 years
dc.rights.accessRights open access es_ES

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