Galenisme i medicaments en els sermons de sant Vicent Ferrer

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Galenisme i medicaments en els sermons de sant Vicent Ferrer

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Ferragud, Carmel; Olmos de León, Ricardo Manuel
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2021

The sources inspiring the sermons of Saint Vincent Ferrer have been investigated in many studies. Yet, research on how the Valencian preacher used science and medicine to explain to his audience the contents of theology have scarcely been published. The sermons of Saint Vincent Ferrer are filled with aspects related to health and disease, therapies and their practitioners. Galenism appears constantly, being the leading medical system during that time. In this case we will focus on drugs as a homiletic resource, as a widespread therapy and, therefore, a comprehensible aspect for the audience. This approach will lead us, not only to further understand the resources of the preacher, but also to widen our knowledge on the perception that men and women had of these therapeutic remedies, their acceptance and their refusal.
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