Catàleg de benefactors de la cartoixa de Portaceli (1272-1688), copiat per Josep Pastor entre 1780 i 1781

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Catàleg de benefactors de la cartoixa de Portaceli (1272-1688), copiat per Josep Pastor entre 1780 i 1781

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Exarch, Joan Antoni
Aquest document és un/a llibre, creat/da en: 2020
A punt de complir-se el 750 aniversari de la cartoixa de Portaceli, la degana de les fundacions valencianes, de l’orde fundada per sant Bru i encara en funcionament des del 1272, amb aquesta transcripció crítica del ‘Catàleg de benefactors’, manuscrit de Joan Antoni Eixarch i altres amanuenses posteriors, podem conèixer els noms dels donants i la seua ascendència social des del segle XIII fins al XVII, així com les quantitats que serviren per a sanejar l’economia del cenobi i enriquir-lo amb noves edificacions i obres artístiques, entre d’altres menesters. L’original de l’obra, una còpia realitzada entre 1780 i 1781 per Josep Pastor, també monjo de Portaceli, es troba en l’arxiu del Reial Convent de Predicadors de València des de data desconeguda.On the eve of the 750th anniversary of the Charterhouse of Portaceli, the doyenne of Valencian foundations, belonging to the order founded by Saint Bruno and still in operation since 1272, with this critical transcription of the 'Catalogue of benefactors', a manuscript by Joan Antoni Eixarch and other later amanuensis, we can find out the names of its donors and their social status from the 13th century to the 17th century, as well as the amounts they contributed and which served to improve the economy of the monastery and enrich it with new buildings, we can find out the names of the donors and their social background from the 13th to the 17th century, as well as the amounts they contributed, which were used to improve the economy of the monastery and enrich it with new buildings and artistic works, among other things. The original of the work, a copy made between 1780 and 1781 by Josep Pastor, also a monk of Portaceli, has been in the archives of the Royal Convent of Preachers in Valencia since an unknown date.
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