Mostra el registre complet de l'element
Torres Pérez, María | |
1. The State and its constitutive elements. 2. The sovereignty of the State and its corollaries: equality, non-intervention and sovereign immunity. 3. The dynamics of the State. 4. The state bodies in charge of international relations: The Head of State, the Head of Government, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs.1. The State and its constitutive elements. 2. The sovereignty of the State and its corollaries: equality, non-intervention and sovereign immunity. 3. The dynamics of the State. 4. The state bodies in charge of international relations: The Head of State, the Head of Government, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs. | |
Powerpoint del tema 5 de la asignatura Public International Law, curso académico 22-23 |
Veure al catàleg Trobes |