Executives' role in digital transformation

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Executives' role in digital transformation

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element López Muñoz, José Fernando Escribá Esteve, Alejandro 2022-10-06T13:35:45Z 2022-10-06T13:35:45Z 2022
dc.identifier.citation López Muñoz, José Fernando Escribá Esteve, Alejandro 2022 Executives' role in digital transformation International Journal of Information Systems and Project Management 10 3 84 103
dc.description.abstract This conceptual paper revisits and updates the concept of top management support (TMS), which has been the long-established rationale for explaining the role of top managers in digitalization activities. In our view, the concept of TMS is grounded in technological determinism, accounts for attitudinal and behavioral aspects that appear to be little more than exhortation, and accepts the occasional responsibility of top managers in technology management. We consider both the crucial role that top managers may play in the digitalization process and the fact that digital technologies have become pervasive in today's organizations. Then, we develop a model by which top managers and digital technologies are cooperatively involved in digitalization. For that, we have looked through the theoretical lens of imbrication and attention perspectives to reconstruct the role of top managers in the digital transformation process. In our view, each imbrication layer can be viewed as a process where top managers form beliefs to act on digital opportunities for strategic action. Specifically, our model provides insights into how executives' characteristics and social processes impact the likelihood of forming either beliefs about radical or incremental opportunities requiring strategic action. Additionally, we offer several hypotheses that enrich our knowledge of the relationship between top managers and the digitalization process.
dc.language.iso eng
dc.relation.ispartof International Journal of Information Systems and Project Management, 2022, vol. 10 , num. 3, p. 84-103
dc.subject Transferència de tecnologia
dc.subject Tecnologia Aspectes socials
dc.subject Empreses Direcció i administració
dc.title Executives' role in digital transformation
dc.type journal article es_ES 2022-10-06T13:35:45Z
dc.identifier.doi 10.12821/ijispm100304
dc.identifier.idgrec 154826
dc.rights.accessRights open access es_ES

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