The Importance of Considering Alexithymia during Initial Stages of Intimate Partner Violence Interventions to Design Adjuvant Treatments

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The Importance of Considering Alexithymia during Initial Stages of Intimate Partner Violence Interventions to Design Adjuvant Treatments

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Romero Martínez, Ángel Lila Moreno, M. Soledad Moya Albiol, Luís 2022-10-13T12:13:54Z 2022-10-13T12:13:54Z 2019
dc.identifier.citation Romero Martínez, Ángel Lila Moreno, María Soledad Moya Albiol, Luís 2019 The Importance of Considering Alexithymia during Initial Stages of Intimate Partner Violence Interventions to Design Adjuvant Treatments International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health 16 19 3695
dc.description.abstract Empirical evidence supports that individuals with alexithymia might be prone to certain types of violence, such as intimate partner violence against women (IPVAW). Moreover, considering that alexithymia is directly involved in behavior regulation, problems due to identifying and regulating emotional states might be postulated as responsible, at least in part, for the success of psychotherapeutic treatments designed for decreasing the future risk of reo ending. Therefore, we assessed whether alexithymia was a good predictor of the discontinuation of treatment (dropout) and the risk of recidivism during the initial stages of intervention in a sample of men convicted of IPVAW perpetration (n = 118), while controlling for potential confounding variables (i.e., socio-demographic characteristics, impulsivity, and drug misuse). Our data demonstrate that high alexithymic traits lead to dropout and a high risk of recidivism during the initial stages of treatment, remaining significant even after including potential confounding variables. Even though impulsivity and drug misuse increase the amount of explained variance, none of them moderates the association of alexithymia with dropout and/or reo ending. It should be noted that this study identified alexithymia as a direct modulator of violence due to its e ects on discontinuing IPVAW treatment during initial stages. Therefore, as we gain knowledge analyzing the relationships between previously mentioned factors, it could be applied to develop valid screening methods along with strengthening current rehabilitation programs and designing adjuvant treatments to increase their e ectiveness.
dc.language.iso eng
dc.relation.ispartof International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health, 2019, vol. 16, num. 19, p. 3695
dc.subject Drogues
dc.subject Dones maltractades
dc.title The Importance of Considering Alexithymia during Initial Stages of Intimate Partner Violence Interventions to Design Adjuvant Treatments
dc.type journal article es_ES 2022-10-13T12:13:55Z
dc.identifier.doi 10.3390/ijerph16193695
dc.identifier.idgrec 137122
dc.rights.accessRights open access es_ES

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