Chronic and acute effects on skin temperature from a sport consisting of repetitive impacts from hitting a ball with the hands

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Chronic and acute effects on skin temperature from a sport consisting of repetitive impacts from hitting a ball with the hands

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Sánchez Jiménez, Jose Luis Tejero Pastor, Robert Calzadillas Valles, María del Carmen Jimenez Perez, Irene Cibrián Ortiz de Anda, Rosa María Salvador Palmer, M. del Rosario Priego Quesada, José Ignacio 2022-11-09T16:08:05Z 2022-11-09T16:08:05Z 2022
dc.identifier.citation Sánchez Jiménez, Jose Luis Tejero Pastor, Robert Calzadillas Valles, María del Carmen Jimenez Perez, Irene Cibrián Ortiz de Anda, Rosa Maria Salvador Palmer, M. del Rosario Priego Quesada, Jose Ignacio 2022 Chronic and acute effects on skin temperature from a sport consisting of repetitive impacts from hitting a ball with the hands Sensors 22 21 8572 8585
dc.description.abstract Valencian handball consists in hitting the ball with the hands and it may contribute to injury development on the hands. This study aimed to analyze skin temperature asymmetries and recovery after a cold stress test (CST) in professional players of Valencian handball before and after a competition. Thirteen professional athletes and a control group of ten physically active participants were measured. For both groups, infrared images were taken at the baseline condition; later they underwent a thermal stress test (pressing for 2 min with the palm of the hand on a metal plate) and then recovery images were taken. In athletes, the images were also taken after their competition. Athletes at baseline condition presented lower temperatures (p < 0.05) in the dominant hand compared with the non-dominant hand. There were asymmetries in all regions after their match (p < 0.05). After CST, a higher recovery rate was found after the game. The regions with the most significant differences in variation, asymmetries and recovery patterns were the index, middle and ring fingers, and the palm of the dominant hand. Taking into account that lower temperatures and the absence of temperature variation may be the consequence of a vascular adaptation, thermography could be used as a method to prevent injuries in athletes from Valencian handball.
dc.language.iso eng
dc.relation.ispartof Sensors, 2022, vol. 22, num. 21, p. 8572-8585
dc.subject Jocs
dc.subject Temperatura corporal
dc.subject Diagnòstic per la imatge
dc.subject Estrès
dc.title Chronic and acute effects on skin temperature from a sport consisting of repetitive impacts from hitting a ball with the hands
dc.type journal article es_ES 2022-11-09T16:08:06Z
dc.identifier.doi 10.3390/s22218572
dc.identifier.idgrec 155505
dc.rights.accessRights open access es_ES

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