Initiator-Directed Transcription: Fission Yeast Nmtl Initiator Directs Preinitiation Complex Formation and Transcriptional Initiation

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Initiator-Directed Transcription: Fission Yeast Nmtl Initiator Directs Preinitiation Complex Formation and Transcriptional Initiation

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Rojas, Diego A. Urbina, Fabiola Valenzuela-Pérez, Lucía Leiva, Lorenzo Miralles Fernández, Vicente Maldonado, Edio 2022-11-16T14:23:26Z 2022-11-16T14:23:26Z 2022
dc.identifier.citation Rojas, Diego A. Urbina, Fabiola Valenzuela-Pérez, Lucía Leiva, Lorenzo Miralles Fernández, Vicente Maldonado, Edio 2022 Initiator-Directed Transcription: Fission Yeast Nmtl Initiator Directs Preinitiation Complex Formation and Transcriptional Initiation Genes 13 256 1 15
dc.description.abstract The initiator element is a core promoter element encompassing the transcription start site, which is found in yeast, Drosophila, and human promoters. This element is observed in TATA-less promoters. Several studies have defined transcription factor requirements and additional cofactors that are needed for transcription initiation of initiator-containing promoters. However, those studies have been performed with additional core promoters in addition to the initiator. In this work, we have defined the pathway of preinitiation complex formation on the fission yeast nmt1 gene promoter, which contains a functional initiator with striking similarity to the initiator of the human dihydrofolate reductase (hDHFR) gene and to the factor requirement for transcription initiation of the nmt1 gene promoter. The results show that the nmt1 gene promoter possesses an initiator encompassing the transcription start site, and several conserved base positions are required for initiator function. A preinitiation complex formation on the nmt1 initiator can be started by TBP/TFIIA or TBP/TFIIB, but not TBP alone, and afterwards follows the same pathway as preinitiation complex formation on TATA-containing promoters. Transcription initiation is dependent on the general transcription factors TBP, TFIIB, TFIIE, TFIIF, TFIIH, RNA polymerase II, Mediator, and a cofactor identified as transcription cofactor for initiator function (TCIF), which is a high-molecular-weight protein complex of around 500 kDa. However, the TAF subunits of TFIID were not required for the nmt1 initiator transcription, as far as we tested. We also demonstrate that other initiators of the nmt1/hDHFR family can be transcribed in fission yeast whole-cell extracts.
dc.language.iso eng
dc.relation.ispartof Genes, 2022, vol. 13, num. 256, p. 1-15
dc.subject Transcripció genètica
dc.subject RNA
dc.title Initiator-Directed Transcription: Fission Yeast Nmtl Initiator Directs Preinitiation Complex Formation and Transcriptional Initiation
dc.type journal article es_ES 2022-11-16T14:23:27Z
dc.identifier.doi 10.3390/genes13020256
dc.identifier.idgrec 155634
dc.rights.accessRights open access es_ES

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