Resolution limit in opto-digital systems revisited

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Resolution limit in opto-digital systems revisited

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Galdon, Laura García Sucerquia, Jorge Iván Saavedra Tortosa, Genaro Martínez Corral, Manuel Sánchez Ortiga, Emilio 2023-01-09T15:46:05Z 2023-01-09T15:46:05Z 2023
dc.identifier.citation Galdon, Laura García Sucerquia, Jorge Iván Saavedra Tortosa, Genaro Martínez Corral, Manuel Sánchez Ortiga, Emilio 2023 Resolution limit in opto-digital systems revisited Optics Express 31 2 2000 2012
dc.description.abstract The resolution limit achievable with an optical system is a fundamental piece of information when characterizing its performance, mainly in case of microscopy imaging. Usually this information is given in the form of a distance, often expressed in microns, or in the form of a cutoff spatial frequency, often expressed in line pairs per mm. In modern imaging systems, where the final image is collected by pixelated digital cameras, the resolution limit is determined by the performance of both, the optical systems and the digital sensor. Usually, one of these factors is considered to be prevalent over the other for estimating the spatial resolution, leading to the global performance of the imaging system ruled by either the classical Abbe resolution limit, based on physical diffraction, or by the Nyquist resolution limit, based on the digital sensor features. This estimation fails significantly to predict the global performance of opto-digital imaging systems, like 3D microscopes, where none of the factors is negligible. In that case, which indeed is the most common, neither the Abbe formula nor the Nyquist formula provide by themselves a reliable prediction for the resolution limit. This is a serious drawback since systems designers often use those formulae as design input parameters. Aiming to overcome this lack, a simple mathematical expression obtained by finely articulating the Abbe and Nyquist formulas, to easily predict the spatial resolution limit of opto-digital imaging systems, is proposed here. The derived expression is tested experimentally, and shows to be valid in a broad range of opto-digital combinations.
dc.language.iso eng
dc.relation.ispartof Optics Express, 2023, vol. 31, num. 2, p. 2000-2012
dc.subject Òptica
dc.subject Microscòpia
dc.title Resolution limit in opto-digital systems revisited
dc.type journal article es_ES 2023-01-09T15:46:06Z
dc.identifier.doi 10.1364/OE.479458
dc.identifier.idgrec 156238
dc.rights.accessRights open access es_ES

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