An internet-delivered Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (iCBT) for Prolonged Grief Disorder (PGD) in adults: A multiple-baseline single-case experimental design study

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An internet-delivered Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (iCBT) for Prolonged Grief Disorder (PGD) in adults: A multiple-baseline single-case experimental design study

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Tur Domenech, Cintia Campos, Daniel Suso Ribera, Carlos Kazlauskas, Evaldas Castilla López, Diana Virginia Zaragozá Álvarez, Irene García Palacios, Azucena Quero Castellano, Soledad 2023-01-11T11:56:08Z 2023-01-11T11:56:08Z 2022
dc.identifier.citation Tur, Cintia Campos, Daniel Suso Ribera, Carlos Kazlauskas, Evaldas Castilla López, Diana Virginia Zaragozá Álvarez, Irene García Palacios, Azucena Quero Castellano, Soledad 2022 An internet-delivered Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (iCBT) for Prolonged Grief Disorder (PGD) in adults: A multiple-baseline single-case experimental design study Internet Interventions-The Application Of Information Technology In Mental And Behavioural Health 29 100558
dc.description.abstract The death of a loved one has physical, psychological, and social consequences. Between 9.8 and 21.5 % of people who lose a loved one develop Prolonged Grief Disorder (PGD). Internet- and computer-based interventions (i.e., Internet-delivered Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, iCBT) are cost-effective and scalable alternatives that make it possible to reach more people with PGD. The main goal of the present investigation was to examine the effect and feasibility (usability and satisfaction) of an iCBT (GROw program) for adults with PGD. A secondary objective was to detect adherence to the app (Emotional Monitor) used to measure daily grief symptoms. The study had a single-case multiple-baseline AB design with six participants. The GROw program is organized sequentially in eight modules, and it is based on the dual-process model of coping with bereavement. Evaluations included a pre-to-post treatment assessment of depression, grief symptoms, and typical grief beliefs, along with daily measures of symptom frequency and intensity on the Emotional Monitor App. Treatment opinions and adherence to the App were also collected. Efficacy data were calculated using a Nonoverlap of All Pairs (NAP) analysis and Reliable Change Index (RCI). The mean age of the sample was 29.5 years (SD = 8.19). Two participants dropped out of the study. Adherence to the App varied across patients (4.8 % -77.8 %). Most participants (75 %) showed a clinically significant change (recovered) in depression, and 50 % obtained a clinically significant improvement (recovered) in symptoms of loss and typical beliefs in complicated grief. The participants reported high usability and satisfaction with the treatment content and format. In sum, the GROw program was very well accepted and generally feasible, and it has strong potential for treating PGD. The results support scaling up the treatment by using more complex designs with larger samples (i.e., randomized controlled trials comparing GROw with active conditions)
dc.language.iso eng
dc.relation.ispartof Internet Interventions-The Application Of Information Technology In Mental And Behavioural Health, 2022, vol. 29, num. 100558
dc.subject Internet
dc.subject Teràpia de la conducta
dc.title An internet-delivered Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (iCBT) for Prolonged Grief Disorder (PGD) in adults: A multiple-baseline single-case experimental design study
dc.type journal article es_ES 2023-01-11T11:56:09Z
dc.identifier.doi 10.1016/j.invent.2022.100558
dc.identifier.idgrec 156297
dc.rights.accessRights open access es_ES

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