Analyzing heterogeneity on the value, satisfaction, word-of-mouth relationship in retailing

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Analyzing heterogeneity on the value, satisfaction, word-of-mouth relationship in retailing

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Fuentes Blasco, María Moliner Velázquez, Beatriz Gil Saura, Irene 2023-02-01T15:26:19Z 2023-02-01T15:26:19Z 2017
dc.identifier.citation Fuentes Blasco, María Moliner Velázquez, Beatriz Gil Saura, Irene 2017 Analyzing heterogeneity on the value, satisfaction, word-of-mouth relationship in retailing Management Decision 55 7 1558 1577
dc.description.abstract Purpose - The literature recognizes the need to study differences in consumer behavior in highly competitive and dynamic markets. In this paper, the authors look at how the heterogeneous evaluation of retailing influences customer satisfaction and loyalty. The purpose of this paper is to analyze unobserved heterogeneity on customer value dimensions perceptions in retail establishments, and their potential effects on positive forms of behavioral outcomes considering customer satisfaction as a mediating variable. Design/methodology/approach - On a sample of 820 retail customers, the authors apply a finite mixture structural equation modeling that analyzes unobserved heterogeneity simultaneously. In this model, the authors study the influence of heterogeneous perceptions of excellence, efficiency, entertainment and aesthetics on customer satisfaction and of satisfaction on word-of-mouth (WOM) referral and WOM activity. Findings - The results show two latent segments where the intensity of causal relations varies, which means that the effect of value dimensions and satisfaction are over or underestimated when heterogeneity is ignored. Originality/value - The main value of the paper has been to analyze the potential heterogeneity of value dimensions (intravariable approach), and their links with satisfaction and some dimensions of loyalty (intervariable approach). Customer heterogeneity must be studied to understand the satisfaction process and WOM responses in order to design more efficient and effective relationship marketing strategies.
dc.language.iso eng
dc.relation.ispartof Management Decision, 2017, vol. 55, num. 7, p. 1558-1577
dc.subject Benestar social
dc.subject Mercat Investigació
dc.title Analyzing heterogeneity on the value, satisfaction, word-of-mouth relationship in retailing
dc.type journal article es_ES 2023-02-01T15:26:19Z
dc.identifier.doi 10.1108/MD-03-2016-0138
dc.identifier.idgrec 120903
dc.rights.accessRights open access es_ES

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