Role of marketing and technological innovation on store equity, satisfaction and word-of-mouth in retailing

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Role of marketing and technological innovation on store equity, satisfaction and word-of-mouth in retailing

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Fuentes Blasco, María Moliner Velázquez, Beatriz Servera Francés, David Gil Saura, Irene 2023-02-01T15:43:37Z 2023-02-01T15:43:37Z 2017
dc.identifier.citation Fuentes Blasco, María Moliner Velázquez, Beatriz Servera Francés, David Gil Saura, Irene 2017 Role of marketing and technological innovation on store equity, satisfaction and word-of-mouth in retailing Journal Of Product And Brand Management 26 6 650 666
dc.description.abstract Purpose - Despite the importance of innovation in business performance, investigation into innovation in services is scanty and lacking consensus. In retailing, it is a topic that has been awakening considerable academic and business interest in recent years. In this study context, this work aims to analyse innovation in retail experiences from two aspects - marketing innovation and technological innovation - to understand the role it exercises in satisfaction and subsequent recommendation. Design/methodology/approach - The authors' objective is to investigate the direct and indirect influence of marketing and technological innovation on satisfaction and word-of-mouth (WOM) through three core constructs: store image, consumer value and store brand equity. SEM methodology is applied on a sample of 820 retail customers of grocery, clothing, furniture an electronics store. Findings - The results show that technological innovation is more important than marketing innovation in shaping image, value and satisfaction. At the same time, store image is the variable that most influences customer satisfaction and that satisfaction is a very significant antecedent of WOM behaviour. Practical implications for retail managers and further research are presented. Originality/value - The main value of this work has been to go deeper into the study of retail innovation, both in marketing and technologies, and its direct and indirect effects on satisfaction and subsequent recommendation through store image, consumer value and store brand equity. It is a new line of study, which is still fragmented and with little empirical evidence.
dc.language.iso eng
dc.relation.ispartof Journal Of Product And Brand Management, 2017, vol. 26, num. 6, p. 650-666
dc.subject Benestar social
dc.subject Mercat Investigació
dc.subject Tecnologia de la informació
dc.title Role of marketing and technological innovation on store equity, satisfaction and word-of-mouth in retailing
dc.type journal article es_ES 2023-02-01T15:43:38Z
dc.identifier.doi 10.1108/JPBM-07-2016-1279
dc.identifier.idgrec 120902
dc.rights.accessRights open access es_ES

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