Long- and short-term stability of all polarization-maintaining thulium doped passively mode-locked fiber lasers with emission wavelengths at 1.95 µm and 2.07 µm

Repositori DSpace/Manakin

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Long- and short-term stability of all polarization-maintaining thulium doped passively mode-locked fiber lasers with emission wavelengths at 1.95 µm and 2.07 µm

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Cuadrado-Laborde, Christian; Cruz Muñoz, José Luis; Díez Cremades, Antonio; Andrés, Miguel V.
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2023

In this work, we compare the operation of a passively modelocked polarization-maintaining emission in two thulium-doped fiber lasers pumped at 1561 nm, with emission at wavelengths of 1.951 μm in one case and 2.07 μm in the other. We obtained a sequence of light pulses at 15.6 MHz, whose temporal width was 81 ps at 1.95 μm, and a sequence of light pulses at 13.1 MHz, whose tempo- ral width was 94 ps at 2.07 μm. Finally, we also measured the long-term stability of this setup during a 24-h operation, as well as the short-term stability in a simulated harsh environment. The results confirm the superior performance of fiber laser systems with a fully polarization-maintaining design.
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