Narrowband Monolithic Perovskite-Perovskite Tandem Photodetectors

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Narrowband Monolithic Perovskite-Perovskite Tandem Photodetectors

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Martínez-Goyeneche, Lucía; Gil Escrig, Lidón; Susic, Isidora; Tordera Salvador, Daniel; Bolink, Henk; Sessolo, Michele
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2022

Narrowband photodetectors (PDs) are sought after for many applications requiring selective spectral response. The most common systems combine optical bandpass filters with broadband photodiodes. This work reports a method to obtain a narrowband response in a perovskite PD by the monolithic integration of a perovskite photoconductor and a perovskite photodiode. The spectral response of the tandem PD is determined by the bandgap energy difference of the two perovskites, and exhibits a full width at half maximum below 85 nm, an external quantum efficiency up to 68% and a high specific detectivity of ≈1012 Jones in reverse bias, enabling the device to detect weak light signals. The absorption profile of the narrowband PD can be tuned by changing the thickness and bandgap of the wide bandgap perovskite absorber.
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