Finite element analysis of a Bionate ring-shaped customized lumbar disc nucleus prosthesis

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Finite element analysis of a Bionate ring-shaped customized lumbar disc nucleus prosthesis

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Vanaclocha-Saiz, Amparo Vanaclocha Vanaclocha, Vicente Atienza Vicente, Carlos M. Clavel, Pablo Jordá Gómez, P. Barrios, Carlos Vanaclocha, Leyre 2023-03-23T18:53:15Z 2023-03-23T18:53:15Z 2022
dc.identifier.citation Vanaclocha-Saiz, Amparo Vanaclocha Vanaclocha, Vicente Atienza Vicente, Carlos M. Clavel, Pablo Jordá Gómez, P. Barrios, Carlos Vanaclocha, Leyre 2022 Finite element analysis of a Bionate ring-shaped customized lumbar disc nucleus prosthesis Acs Biomaterials-Science & Engineering 17 5(1) 172 182
dc.description.abstract Study design: Biomechanical study of a nucleus replacement with a finite element model. Objective: To validate a Bionate 80A ring-shaped nucleus replacement. Methods: The ANSYS lumbar spine model made from lumbar spine X-rays and magnetic resonance images obtained from cadaveric spine specimens were used. All materials were assumed homogeneous, isotropic, and linearly elastic. We studied three options: intact spine, nucleotomy, and nucleus implant. Two loading conditions were evaluated at L3-L4, L4-L5, and L5-S1 discs: a 1000 N axial compression load and this load after the addition of 8 Nm flexion moment in the sagittal plane plus 8 Nm axial rotation torque. Results: Maximum nucleus implant axial compression stresses in the range of 16−34 MPa and tensile stress in the range of 5−16 MPa, below Bionate 80A resistance were obtained. Therefore, there is little risk of permanent implant deformation or severe damage under normal loading conditions. Nucleotomy increased segment mobility, zygapophyseal joint and endplate pressures, and annulus stresses and strains. All these parameters were restored satisfactorily by nucleus replacement but never reached the intact status. In addition, annulus stresses and strains were lower with the nucleus implant than in the intact spine under axial compression and higher under complex loading conditions. Conclusions: Under normal loading conditions, there is a negligible risk of nucleus replacement, permanent deformation or severe damage. Nucleotomy increased segmental mobility, zygapophyseal joint pressures, and annulus stresses and strains. Nucleus replacement restored segmental mobility and zygapophyseal joint pressures close to the intact spine. Endplate pressures were similar for the intact and nucleus implant conditions under both loading modes. Manufacturing customized nucleus implants are considered feasible, as satisfactory biomechanical performance is confirmed.
dc.relation.ispartof Acs Biomaterials-Science & Engineering, 2022, vol. 17, num. 5(1), p. 172-182
dc.subject Cirurgia Aparells i instruments
dc.title Finite element analysis of a Bionate ring-shaped customized lumbar disc nucleus prosthesis
dc.type journal article es_ES 2023-03-23T18:53:16Z
dc.identifier.doi 10.1021/acsabm.1c01027
dc.identifier.idgrec 150420
dc.rights.accessRights open access es_ES

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