Is the European Social Progress Index robust? Implications for the design of European Union regional Cohesion Policy

Repositori DSpace/Manakin

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Is the European Social Progress Index robust? Implications for the design of European Union regional Cohesion Policy

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Beltrán Esteve, Mercedes; Peiró Palomino, Jesús; Picazo Tadeo, Andrés José; Ríos, Vicente
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2023

The European Social Progress Index (EU-SPI) is a composite index launched by the European Commission in 2016 to assesssocial progress. It is constructed using non-economic indicators, and is intended to serve as a tool for European regionalpolicies. This paper shows that the 2020 release of the index is robust to multiple alternative designs, and thus suitable forpolicymaking. The EU-SPI and gross domestic product per capita (GDPpc) are positively correlated, although they are in noway substitutes. Thesefindings suggest that the EU-SPI could complement the GDPpc as an instrument to determineeligibility and achieve a more citizen-oriented allocation of European Cohesion Policy funds
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