Crime Analysis of the Metropolitan Region of Santiago de Chile: A Spatial Panel Data Approach

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Crime Analysis of the Metropolitan Region of Santiago de Chile: A Spatial Panel Data Approach

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Cadena Urzúa, Pablo Briz Redón, Álvaro Montes Suay, Francisco 2023-03-31T07:26:08Z 2023-04-01T04:45:05Z 2022 es_ES
dc.identifier.citation Cadena Urzúa, Pablo, Briz Redón, Álvaro and Francisco Montes: Crime Analysis of the Metropolitan Region of Santiago de Chile: A Spatial Panel Data Approach. Social Sciences 11: 443.2022 es_ES
dc.description.abstract The aim of our work is to determine the influence that socio-economic and demographic factors have had on crimes that have taken place during the period 2010–2018 in the communes of the Metropolitan Region of Chile, as well as the existence of possible spatial or temporal effects. We address 12 kinds of crime that we have grouped into two main types: against people and against property. Our interest focuses on crimes against people, using crimes against property as an additional covariate in order to investigate the existence of the broken-windows phenomenon in this context. The model chosen for our analysis is a spatial panel model with fixed effects. The results highlight that covariates such as infant mortality, birth rate, poverty and green areas have a significant influence on crimes against people. Regarding the spatio-temporal covariates, one effect observed is that there is a displacement of crime towards neighbouring communes, leaving open a new line of study to discover the causes of this displacement. es_ES
dc.language.iso en es_ES
dc.publisher MDPI es_ES
dc.subject crime analysis es_ES
dc.subject crime prevention es_ES
dc.subject evidence-based crime prevention es_ES
dc.subject spatial panel es_ES
dc.title Crime Analysis of the Metropolitan Region of Santiago de Chile: A Spatial Panel Data Approach es_ES
dc.type journal article es_ES
dc.subject.unesco UNESCO::CIENCIA POLÍTICA es_ES
dc.identifier.doi 10.3390/socsci11100443 es_ES
dc.accrualmethod S es_ES
dc.embargo.terms 0 days es_ES

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