Knowledge about Palliative Care and Attitudes toward Care of the Dying among Primary Care Nurses in Spain

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Knowledge about Palliative Care and Attitudes toward Care of the Dying among Primary Care Nurses in Spain

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Escoto Mengual, Tamara Chover Sierra, Elena Ballestar Tarín, María Luisa Saus Ortega, Carles Gea Caballero, Vicente Colomer Pérez, Natura Martínez Sabater, Antonio 2023-04-04T14:40:14Z 2023-04-04T14:40:14Z 2023
dc.identifier.citation Escoto Mengual, Tamara Chover Sierra, Elena Ballestar Tarín, María Luisa Saus Ortega, Carles Gea Caballero, Vicente Colomer Pérez, Natura Martínez Sabater, Antonio 2023 Knowledge about Palliative Care and Attitudes toward Care of the Dying among Primary Care Nurses in Spain Healthcare 11 1018 1 15
dc.description.abstract Objective: To analyze the knowledge in palliative care and the attitudes toward caring for the dying of nurses who carry out their professional activity in primary care in Spain. Design: A cross-sectional descriptive observational study was carried out among Spanish primary care centers. Participants: A total of 244 nurses who had completed their primary care work and agreed to participate in this study were included. Main measurements: The level of knowledge in palliative care was analyzed using the PCQN-SV scale, and attitudes toward care of the dying were measured with the FATCOD-S scale, both of which are instruments that are validated in Spain. Results: Regarding the level of knowledge in palliative care, at a global level, the results revealed that 60% of the answers in the PCQN-SV were correct, with different results for each of the three subscales that compose it. When analyzing the attitudes of primary care nurses toward the care of the dying, an average of 132.21 out of 150 was obtained, representing a positive attitude. On the other hand, when analyzing these results in terms of knowledge and attitudes according to the population's characteristics, we see that participants with both experience and training in palliative care present a better level of knowledge and a higher score regarding their attitudes toward care of the dying. However, the differences are only significant regarding the level of knowledge in palliative care. When analyzing the data from the two scales together, it is noteworthy that the participants with the most positive attitudes (highest scores on the FATCOD-S) also have the highest percentages of correct answers on the PCQN-SV. Keywords: palliative care; knowledge; primary care; nursing; care of the dying
dc.language.iso eng
dc.relation.ispartof Healthcare, 2023, vol. 11, num. 1018, p. 1-15
dc.subject Atenció primària
dc.subject Infermeria
dc.title Knowledge about Palliative Care and Attitudes toward Care of the Dying among Primary Care Nurses in Spain
dc.type journal article es_ES 2023-04-04T14:40:14Z
dc.identifier.doi 10.3390/healthcare11071018
dc.identifier.idgrec 157344
dc.rights.accessRights open access es_ES

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