Relationship between deep and superficial sensitivity assessments and gait analysis in diabetic foot patients

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Relationship between deep and superficial sensitivity assessments and gait analysis in diabetic foot patients

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Sempere-Bigorra, Mar Brognara, Lorenzo Julián Rochina, Iván Mazzotti, Antonio Cauli, Omar 2023-04-18T15:50:02Z 2023-04-18T15:50:02Z 2023
dc.identifier.citation Sempere-Bigorra, Mar Brognara, Lorenzo Julián Rochina, Iván Mazzotti, Antonio Cauli, Omar 2023 Relationship between deep and superficial sensitivity assessments and gait analysis in diabetic foot patients International Wound Journal n/a n/a
dc.description.abstract Peripheral neuropathy is a prevalent complication of diabetes that can lead to gait impairment and its adverse consequences. This study explored the potential utility of different parameters of gait analysis using a single sensor unit as a simple tool to detect peripheral neuropathy in 85 diabetic patients (DP) with diabetic foot in whom different somato-sensitivity tests in the feet were performed. Gait spatiotemporal parameters were examined by sensor inertial measurement placed in the lumbar area, while the superficial sensitivity pathway was assessed by nociception tests and deep sensitivity was examined by light touch-pressure and vibration sensitivity tests. Correlations between each sensory test and gait parameters were analysed in a logistic regression model in order to assess if gait parameters are associated with two different sensory pathways. Impaired deep sensory pathways were significantly (P < .05) correlated with lower gait speed, reduced cadence, smaller stride length, longer stance periods, and a higher risk of falling on the Tinetti Scale, while all gait parameters were significantly (P < .01) correlated with the superficial sensory pathway. Type 2 diabetics have significantly (P < .05) higher impairment in vibratory sensitivity than type 1 diabetics, and the years with diabetes mellitus (DM) diagnosis have a significant (P < .05) association with reduced vibration sensitivity. These findings indicate relationships between the deep sensory pathway and gait impairments in DP measured by inertial sensors, which could be a useful tool to diagnose gait alterations in DP and to evaluate the effect of treatments to improve gait and thus the risk of falls in diabetic patients.
dc.language.iso eng
dc.relation.ispartof International Wound Journal, 2023, p. n/a-n/a
dc.subject Diabetis
dc.subject Neurologia
dc.title Relationship between deep and superficial sensitivity assessments and gait analysis in diabetic foot patients
dc.type journal article 2023-04-18T15:50:02Z
dc.identifier.doi 10.1111/iwj.14178
dc.identifier.idgrec 157518
dc.rights.accessRights open access

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