Influence of sports participation on the behaviors of customers of sports services: Linear and qualitative comparative analysis models

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Influence of sports participation on the behaviors of customers of sports services: Linear and qualitative comparative analysis models

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element García Pascual, Fernando Ballester Esteve, Ignacio Calabuig Moreno, Ferran 2023-05-08T08:07:15Z 2023-05-08T08:07:15Z 2023
dc.identifier.citation García Pascual, Fernando Ballester Esteve, Ignacio Calabuig Moreno, Ferran 2023 Influence of sports participation on the behaviors of customers of sports services: Linear and qualitative comparative analysis models Healthcare 11 9 1320
dc.description.abstract Sports services have become an important enclave for our society. Due to its complete sports offer, customers can perform physical activity that helps them to improve their health and well-being. In fitness centers, managers try to know what their customers are looking for in order to create more personalized experiences, as well as to improve their health. This study seeks to understand the influence that sports frequency has on the future behavior of users of a sports center, using two complementary methodologies. A sample of 383 users of a private sports center was used. The two complementary methodologies used were linear models and comparative qualitative analysis, based on the combination of sets. The results show how sports frequency influences the process of creating users' future behaviors. Considering that none of the variables are necessary, it is observed that perceived value has a significant influence on users' future behaviors. The use of two complementary methodologies provides a more complete understanding, which helps sports managers to plan and manage effectively to ensure user satisfaction and loyalty. In addition, facilities can incentivize customers through loyalty programs and promotions to maintain their engagement, as well as healthy styles to encourage service recommendations.
dc.relation.ispartof Healthcare, 2023, vol. 11, num. 9, p. 1320
dc.subject Entrenament (Esport)
dc.subject Esports
dc.subject Conducta (Psicologia)
dc.subject Vida
dc.subject Salut
dc.title Influence of sports participation on the behaviors of customers of sports services: Linear and qualitative comparative analysis models
dc.type journal article 2023-05-08T08:07:16Z
dc.identifier.doi 10.3390/healthcare11091320
dc.identifier.idgrec 158306
dc.rights.accessRights open access

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